Laurel Canyon Music

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Oceans - Seafret

Our next LCM featured artists are Yorkshire born singer Jack Sedman and guitarist Harry Draper better know as Seafret. They moved to London in 2014 and created a large and very loyal following. Our LCM #TrackOfTheDay is the great and very popular 'Oceans' taken from their 2016 debut album 'Tell Me It's Real'. It was written after the duo moved to London leaving their loved ones behind......distance can be inspiring. Jack and Harry focused on keeping the lyric direct and simple and decided to leave it up to the vocal and guitar to bring out the emotion in the song. The video stars #GOT's very own baby-faced assassin Maisie Williams as a home-made superhero.  

Jack and Harry first met at a small open mic night in their hometown of Bridlington. They were both performing separately and didn’t really know each other before hand, but were blown away by each other’s performances and decided to meet up the next night. They never had the discussion about what genre we were going to be, it just came naturally. They started writing music straight away and the songs just seemed to come from nowhere. They picked their name ‘Seafret’ because they lived by the sea, and it being on a pun on the guitar ‘fret’. It represents where they started from. They later discovered that a 'Sea Fret' is a northern term for a sea mist rolling inland off the North Sea.